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‘Virus hunters’ track threats to head off next pandemic

A global network of doctors and laboratories is working to pinpoint emerging viral threats, including many driven by climate change, in a bid to head off the world’s next pandemic. The coalition of self-described “virus hunters” has uncovered everything from…

The thriving world of Bangladeshi ceramics

Bangladesh’s booming ceramic industry is as thriving as our readymade garment (RMG) sector, which I say from my many shopping exploits. I have gathered a vast knowledge about what kind of ceramics wares are found in vans or pop-up shops…

Relief train leaves Ctg for flood-hit Feni

A train carrying over 10,000 packets of relief materials for flood-affected people left Chattogram for Feni this morning. The train with two luggage vans and three passenger bogies started around 10:30am from the port city, Sajib Al Hasan, divisional mechanical…
